2882 Features ULN-2 Features +DSP Overview MIO Console MIO Drivers Manuals

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Analog I/O Control
80-bit WIDE Mixer
Mix/Output Routing
+DSP Control Surface


The Heart of Mobile I/O Control

MIOConsole consolidates all of the controls for the Mobile I/O hardware into one easy to use window. MIOConsole contains a powerful and versatile hardware engine, an 80-bit multi-bus mixer that supports near-zero latency mixing and routing of all inputs and outputs with scaleable expansion, console style mixing, and DSP processing. MIOConsole software automatically recognizes additional I/O boxes and provides instant and total recall of all settings, including +DSP plug-ins, micpre and input settings, complex and extensive routing, and multibus mixer levels - regardless of the order in which the boxes are connected.

MIOConsole is the nerve center of your Mobile I/O. Functioning as a standalone application, MIOConsole provides full control of every aspect of Mobile I/O. The console software allows you to rapidly and easily adjust all of the input and output channel parameters, system sample rate, digital I/O source, and system clock source. It also allows you to assign any Mobile I/O input or DAW output to the integrated 80-bit, fully interpolated, multi-bus, near-zero latency hardware mixer.

MIOConsole Mixer
MIOConsole Mixer

MIOConsole's powerful mixer supports both mono and stereo busses, with solo and mute functions for all input and master channels. The mixer bus outputs are routeable to any of the hardware outputs, allowing you to create multiple simultaneous mixes for send/return busses and multiple live main and monitor mixes. Various applications include foldback support for multiple performers, separate monitor feeds for studio, tape, and control room, and separate mixes for front of house, archive recording, and monitors for live shows.


MIOConsole Mix/Ouput Routing
MIOConsole also contains a patchbay router, which allows you quickly select the source being fed to any output. The patchbay provides easy configuration of standalone operation, mix mults, direct outs and various combinations thereof to suit the needs of the moment.


Analog I/O Control
MIOConsole Analog I/O Control displays System Status, Digital I/O metering, and provides complete control for the 2882's analog I/O stage. Select Mic, Line, or Instrument for your input level, adjust the preamp levels, supply phantom power for mics, and then save the settings for later, complete recall.


Instant and Total Recall
In order to simplify work flow and optimize the extent of system control, MIOConsole supports comprehensive preset management on both a global and individual control level. Global configuration snapshots allow you to save each and every aspect of Mobile I/O's configuration for later, total instant recall. This is useful for preconfiguring Mobile I/O and bringing back the setup once at the gig, managing separate location setups, or for saving comlpex studio routing setups for quick changeover.
